The CW’s brand new television hit following the domination from The Flash and Arrow, is All American. Taking a step back from the superhero scene, All American follows the journey of high school student and football prodigy, Spencer James. The show starts off with a loveable cast and interesting plot, where the viewer suspects that the show is merely a dramedy with a shallow story. This is a bad approach to this incredible show, because as soon as the end of the first episode, you realize that this series will be filled with plot twists that will keep you hungry for new episodes every Wednesday. Spencer James is a fantastic football player with great academics, but he attends a very rough and poor school where the future for his athletic career is not looking very bright. After an outstanding performance by Spencer at a football game, he is greeted by the coach of a much wealthier and stable high school who need help on their football team’s performance or the coach will get fired. At first, Spencer is hesitant and does not want to betray his school. After talking with his mom, he comes to the conclusion that if he wants to make it big, he is going to have to make sacrifices and change schools. I look forward to new episodes every single week because the story always keeps me interested.
Category Archives: TV Show Review
BoJack Horseman Season 1
At the beginning of this week, I started to watch the Netflix original series, Bojack Horseman. Bojack Horseman is a part satire part dramedy series which follows the current life of washed up 90’s television star, Bojack Horseman. He has no need to worry about money, although his main troubles include his depression and loneliness. For the first few episodes, the show is very lighthearted and enthralling with relatable and charismatic characters. At this point, their isn’t very much of a plot, and is more focused on the comedic aspects of Bojack’s life. Episode 3 brings a new character into the show who will definitely impact the future episodes because of how Bojack begins. Episode 4 is mainly a filler episode for the series, and lets the watcher get to know the characters and their pasts better. Episodes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are much more serious and dramatic, and is really a turning point in the series because it implements an actually story and conflict. Episode 11 is really unnecessary and is literally BoJack’s experience after taking 20 different drugs. Finally, in the last episode, BoJack’s life is settling down and just enjoying the new fame and fortune of his recent best-selling book. He is offered his dream role for a movie, Secretariat. This is where the season ends, and it is a great cliffhanger which leads into a great 2nd season.
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