Liv and Maddie was a Disney Channel comedy series which aired it’s 80 episodes from 2013-2017. Liv and Maddie Rooney are two identical twins who have recently been reunited for the first time in four years. Maddie is the star basketball player for her school’s team, and Liv is a beauty queen who has just come home from Hollywood after starring in a hit TV series. The twins must adapt to the changes they’re undergoing and face challenges between themselves and others, like relationships and school related things. I honestly really like the idea of this show, but it was quite boring when it was airing. If it was a more mature show with the same plot, I think it could have been an amazing series. Besides that, I will give this a 7/10 rating.
bruh this show sucked so bad compared to dog with a blog
a classic 10/10
opinion invalid