Fresh Off the Boat is an ABC comedy sitcom which aired it’s first episode in February of 2015. In this show, 11 year-old Eddie moves from Chinatown (D.C.) to downtown Orlando with his parents and two brothers. While Eddie’s dad, Louis, tries to follow the American dream and open a Western-themed restaurant, the rest of his family is left to adapt to their new surroundings. ABC is currently airing it’s fifth season, with new episodes every Friday. Personally, I believe the show started to venture downhill after the second season concluded. With such a basic premise for a show, it was destined to be doomed since the story was written. The actors/actresses would eventually be too old for their parts, the family would eventually become comfortable with their living situation and town, and the dad’s restaurant dream would eventually take off. Procrastinating these events just to make the show run longer would quickly get repetitive and drive viewers away.
Very nice review