The Thundermans primarily aired on October 13, 2014 on Nickelodeon. The series revolves around Max and Phoebe Thunderman, a pair of twins who, along with their younger brother and sister and parents, must live a double life while hiding their identities as superheroes and live as normal citizens. With all of the family members possessing such unnatural powers, wanting to live a normal life may sound simple on paper, but with all of the villain ordeals and opportunities to use their powers for personal benefits, it may be harder than it seems. The show has a total of 98 episodes, and concluded on May 25, 2018. I give this show a 4/10.
Thanks for telling me the rating, so I don’t have to watch it.
This show sounds very mediocre. I remember watching one of the first episodes, and I can confirm and backup this rating of 4/10
What did you not like about it though? I agree with our rating too however.