The Flash is a TV show aired on The CW and is currently in it’s 5th season. The premise of the show is a regular man named Barry Allen was in his office one night working as a forensic scientist, when a nuclear particle accelerator on the other end of the city malfunctioned on it’s release and rearranged Allen’s molecular structure, giving him superhuman speed. In my personal opinion, The Flash’s best season was its first one. Every episode, Barry found himself facing off with new metahumans (other people who were affected by the particle accelerator but choose to use their powers for evil), and overcoming their abilities with his team of fellow scientists. The main goal for Team Flash is to capture the Reverse Flash, another speedster who killed his mom years ago and free his framed father from jail. Season 2 and season 3 were almost complete copies of eachother, where one extremely powerful speedster wreaks havoc on The Flash’s life, but it was still fun to watch because of the action and logical aspects of the show. Season 4 is definitely the worst season of the show in my opinion, and is also when I stopped watching the show alltogether. The villain for this season is actually really good and creative compared to the show’s first three seasons, but the show was honestly unbearable for me to watch at this point because almost all of the episodes were focused on drama and unimportant stuff without much action.
In conclusion, The Flash is still a good show for the first two-three seasons and is definetly an enjoyable watch if you’re looking for something to binge over winter break. If you’re into really poorly written romance and drama, then you should watch season 4 as well. 😂
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