Welcome back to another installment of TV Shows Reviewed by a Child Prodigy. Today, I will be reviewing the show Son of Zorn. Son of Zorn is a comedy series that was aired for 1 season of 13 episodes on FOX in 2016. The show follows Alan, a nerdy highschool student who wants to fit in but is always facing himself with a problem that his dad, Zorn, brings into his life. Zorn is a brutal warrior and is not accustomed to suburban ways of life. It is very entertaining to watch Zorn try to learn about modern day society, because he is going to be spending a lot of time in that setting. He recently finished a major war his tribe was involved in and decided to pay his son a rare visit. At first, Alan pushes his dad away for being embarrassing and not being there as a father figure for his whole childhood, but soon realizes how much fun his dad is.
It would be hard to continue promoting this show without spoiling the plot, but the fact of the matter is that you should get right to watching it as soon as possible. If you ever need a little thing to brighten up your gloomy day, watch an episode of Son of Zorn!