Day 13
Today we arrived and settled in Asgard. As soon as we stepped outside, we saw the unique terrain. Small holes and craters were scattered throughout the flooring, and there were bright spots which we concluded were impact craters. There seems to be much information to be sampled and collected. Curious to uncover more information from this area, we pursued. The temperature was 134±11 K (-139.1500℃). No other specific weather conditions seemed to be present.
We will wisely use our time here to gather more info about not only Asgard, but perhaps Callisto in general. We are first planning to record the measurements of the depth in Asgard and remeasure previous measurements to possibly correct any flaws. We also plan to explore the terrain to the fullest. We will sample terrain material such as rocks or dust for further examination later on.
So far we have explored a small part of Asgard and we have already uncovered much information. If we are to explore the rest we will surely uncover more hidden information to help the human race. One useful material found on Callisto is magnetite. Magnetite is a material that is usually mixed with water to create a slurry. This slurry is then used for gravity separation in the industries. Gravity separation is an industrial method for separating two components apart. This is a very useful method for iron mining as magnetite is a natural magnet.
Another simple, yet useful resource on Callisto is water. There is huge indication of water under Callisto’s crust. This will help us solve the water crisis and allow us to use this newfound water to travel across different planets. However, evidence points to a salty ocean instead of fresh water which must be rid of salt before drunk.
Considering the overall map of Callisto, the central part of this impact crater is dominated by another impact crater named Doh. Adding on, another crater named Utgard is superposed onto the northern area of Asgard. This was all very interesting to see and we believe we will be able to use all this info and data effectively.