I dangled down the tall rocky tower, my beat up hands laid between the hard rocks and his black hard shoes. As I hung, I looked down, It looked like I was gonna fall into the cold dry grass. His shoes started to shake and my fingers started to crumble. The only thing that might be able to save me is if gravity somehow is a myth. All of a sudden his foot slowly starts to lift. Just like I imagined gravity IS very much real. My head jerks into the wind and my soul flies away.
Month: May 2021
Hi, hope you have had a great day! This 100Wc was really fun. Using 81 words and the sentence ¨Suddenly, darkness enveloped the room.¨. I wrote a fun yet short story. So here it is.
I tucked myself under my desk as my shaky hands gripped onto the cold medal pole. Hiding behind the loud aggravating ¨BEEEEEEPPP!¨. I heard whispers creeping around the room. The beeping stopped and the noise of the loud dangling keys locking the door took all my attention. As My teacher turned, her face told me everything I needed to know… I wasn’t safe. Then she walked across the room and a fierce click then staggered me. Suddenly, darkness enveloped the room.
Thanks so much for reading! I wonder if any of you have any strange experiences with school drills. If so I´d love to here about them! Im Naomi the ferret lover and I hope you enjoyed.