100 word challenge!!!!

This is my 100WC for the week…

I rode through the suburbs on my bright yellow bicycle. I saw a rat as big as a kitten. I turned to see it run into “The rude’s home.” I called it that because they were the rudest family in the neighborhood, plus their last name was Rudes. I was desperate to warn them. So I took my bike and biked to their house. I knocked on the door and a tall, greedy woman Vanessa answered the door. When I saw her, my desire to help left and I ran out the house with a grin on my face.

Thanks for reading my 100WC this week!


My Friend Azad Learned How to Ride a Bike in 2 Minutes

100 Word Challenge – January 22

Morning dreams:

100 WC

It was scary in the deep dark woods. My hands shook as I drifted closer to a lumpy, human-shaped tree sitting in the middle of the woods. Something in my mind told me to turn back, but my heart told me to keep going. Tiny little stones POUNCED into my feet. I felt the strong winds get stronger. I started to drift towards the tree as my head started spinning uncontrollably. “GETT UPP!!” said a strong voice next to me. “TIME FOR SCHOOL!” That voice had been my sister’s, and just like that I was in another world again.

Thanks for reading my 100WC!


My 20 questions(Redo)

Ever asFinger face with a questionk yourself a question that you can’t stop asking yourself? There are so many wonders that no one  really knows the answers to. So today I’m gonna ask you 20 questions you may not be able to stop thinking about. 

  • Why aren’t more humans thinking more about what will happen after life?
  • What if color blind people were actually the people who saw colors right?
  • How can electric bolts literally come flying out the sky and KILL YOU!?!
  • What if we were like cells to something WAY bigger than us. 
  • What if the answer to life was easy to find out, but we are all to dump to figure it out?
  • Why do we all think we are the main character to life when there are BILLIONS of other people on earth? 
  • Humans only use around ten percent of their brain at once, but what if we could all use 100% of our brain at once? If you wanna read more about that click here!
  • How come what we will think is cool now will be considered weird in the next generation?
  • Why do we judge people for their personality but only 50% of their personality is genetic?
  • What would you be like if you were raised differently?
  • What if everyone was rich, would we still all be rich?
  • What if everyone could fly would it still be a superpower?
  • What if animals were so much smarter than us that they foul us into thinking their not?
  • Why is music so amazing to listen to?
  • Why don’t we all just decide to speak one language?
  • Why can’t the government just print more money?
  • What if humans didn’t need to sleep? We would have so much free time!
  • Why don’t people think more about dreams? Dreams are like one half of yourself trying to tell you other half of yourself something. Click here to read more about this.
  • How come when you are a kid you get your first 18 years of life covered with no pay?
  • What if our eye color influenced the colors we saw?

And there you have it. 20 questions I keep asking myself. Do you wonder about this too? Do you know the answer to any of these questions? If you do tell me in the comments! Hope you found yourself a bit confused in some of these questions as well. Hope you have an amazing rest of your day!

First 100 word challenge!!!(everything stopped)

“Are you ready?” The lady strapped on me said. I stared at the world at an angle I have never seen before. “Yes.” I said in fear. My legs were shaking. “3…2… Jump!” said the lady. All the sudden everything stopped and I felt as if I was flying. It took a couple of seconds for my body to realize I was still alive, then I felt as if all my stress left my body and I threw my hands in the air in relief. I had never felt better. 

My christmas blog!!

It’s finally Christmas! I think most people can say that Christmas can put a smile on almost anybody’s face.  Polls and research can actually prove that most people in America find christmas as their most favorite holiday. I can agree, but what is Christmas to me? When I think of Christmas I won’t lie, I think of all the gifts and presents you get to give and receive. I also think of Christmas as Jesus’s birthday. And although no one really knows what day he was born, I think that to celebrate it is almost a gift to him, a way to thank him for what he has done for us. I feel that we may not be able to fully pay Jesus back for what he has done for us, but in the bible it talks about how giving to others is a way to give to him. That is why I think christmas has such a bigger meaning than how you may see it. So my family celebrates this holiday by giving to others.  

Growing up we never really decorated for christmas. We set up a tree in the living room but that’s really all. We usually went to see my grandma in Kentucky and if not she would come to visit us. And when she did come to see us we would play christmas music while cleaning up the house for her arrival. Almost all our family lives in Kentucky, so when we come we alway have a blast seeing cousins again.

One christmas story I remember is when one year I was helping my grandma with hanging christmas tree ornaments up. All of the sudden I dropped one and it broke. My grandma swept it up and said it was ok. A few minutes later I dropped another one. She cleaned it up again… and I felt so bad. A couple minutes later I dropped two more! I have no idea what was wrong with me, but she cleaned it up in tears and said it was fine. I’m pretty sure one of them meant alot to her , because she seemed like it was more important than  others. But again she brushed it off. When I thought for sure she would get mad. Then a second later we had finished and thank god I didn’t drop another one after that point. When we walked in the kitchen she thanked me for helping her with the tree! I still remember thinking it was so mind-blowing she didn’t once yell at me or talk to me at all. And I have remembered it ever since. 


In conclusion, I love christmas and I am very excited for this year’s christmas. Even though we may not be able to do much or see family this year, I think it will be fun to give to others, So what holidays do you celebrate? 


Ps. Leave your URL so I can read your blog!



20 questions blog

  • If I could change one thing about the world I would wanna change?

 the way people view others. 

  • If I could live in one place I would live in?

 Kentucky or West virginia. 

  • A hidden talent I have? 

I can sneeze with my eyes open. 

  • What is one challenge I wanna accomplish?

 To improve my skills in volleyball. 

  • What is my favorite food? 

Crab or a nigeian food called eba. 

  • My favorite hobby is? 


  • What is my favorite show? 


  • What do I enjoy doing?

 I enjoys hanging out with family and friends

  • What is one thing I wanna do as a job? 

I really want to work with kids or start my own business. 

  • What is my favorite season? Probably winter or fall. 
  • What is my favorite color? 

Very light pink

  • What is one movie I love? 

I love the movie Coraline. 

  • What is something cool about my family? My dad is from nigeria. 
  • What is my favorite thing to wear? My favorite thing to wear is joggers because of how comfy they are. 
  • What is my favorite subject in school? English. 
  • What is one candy I love? Sour Patch Kids
  • What is one thing I wanna do? Go skydiving one day
  • My favorite snack? Takis. 
  • What is an animal I love? Cows. 
  • What is my dream pet? Ferret. 

That’s 20 facts about me. Thanks for reading My blog!