My First Dance Competition

My first Dance competition was an interesting event. The competition was in Woodbridge,VA. Dance competitions start at 7:00am or 7:30am so typically depending on where the competition is, I wake up at 4:30am. So Woodbridge is Typically an Hour away with traffic an hour and 30 minutes away from where I live so I have to get up at 4:30am. I do my hair for competition the night before so I don’t have to do much in the morning. In the morning I wake up brush my teeth wash my face, and make-up. Now make-up I absolutely hate, I hate the process the fake eyelashes, the lipstick , the eye liner the mascara and especially the glitter. So my first competition I had dances on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, I had to pack my costumes for the day in my duffle bag along with makeup and extra fishnets and both jazz shoes (black & tan). After i finished my packing I went down stairs grabbed some water bottles and threw my bags in the car.Typically on the whole car ride to go to competitions I sleep the whole way to competition. When we arrived I got out and went into the high school where the competition was located and went inside my studio dressing room and got ready for my first dance and then I stretched out and waited until it was my turn to go on stage. The feeling on stage competing was quite scary because you have three judges in front of you and it is a bit nerve racking. After I finished all my dances I went to awards and I don’t exactly remember how we placed but it went really well. All in all my first competition was a great experience and i had lots of fun.

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