Cancun, Mexico

I love traveling and getting away from reality. My first trip to mexico was very fun, It was just me and my mom. We had just moved to a new house and it was very stressful for my mom because the roof was being replaced as well as the bathrooms being refurbished, so she said do you want to go to mexico and I was like yes, and then we packed up and left the next morning. Now, trying to get there was a different story. We left our house at like 6am because the flight was at 8am. We had to drive to the airport because nobody could take us. We had trouble finding a parking spot, which we arrived at the airport at 6:20ish and then it took us 30 minutes to find a parking spot. So after that tragedy happened, there was a shuttle that took us from the parking lot location to the Actual airport and at this point it is 6:50am so the crappy shuttle service took us a good 45 minutes to get us to the airport and I don’t know if you’re familiar with dulles airport but, let me tell you they are in proximity of 5 minutes of each other so it shouldn’t of taken that long. At this point it’s 7:35am and mind you the flight is at 8 international, kind of expensive. We finally get there and we try to check in at the airline desk and the and catches an attitude saying i’m sorry there is no way you’re making it on that flight. She continues on saying stuff like that while her coworkers are just listening and finally I go off saying you’re telling me that we can’t make it on the flight yet we could try, but you’re just wasting more time. Then her coworker comes over and says you guys can make it on the flight and i’m just standing there like so what are we still standing here for. So eventually they take too long and there was a flight at 8:50am so they just let us get on that one. After all of that mishap, We arrived in Mexico and we are trying to get through the place where they check your passport and then I couldn’t find my passport and long story short it was in my pocket. so as soon as we are making our way to our resort, we get there and the people ask for our ID and passport which I’m a minor so I didn’t show my ID and when I tried to hand them my passport I couldn’t find it again. I was very worried that I left It at the airport. Which once again I found it in my pocket, So moving a day forward my mom and I went out to eat, we went to a seafood restaurant and my mom had this octopus pate or something and my mom got really sick she was throwing up and she couldn’t walk which was terrible. So basically I was all by myself trying to help my mom get better and she finally got better like 2 nights later which was a quarter of the trip, but the rest of the trip went well and nothing else happened that was bad, well I mean Spending 80,000 pesos(which is only $3909) at Louis Vuitton was a bad idea but kinda worth it and we went on a shopping spree at one of the malls near our resort and it was really fun. We went snorkeling and we saw a bunch of animals and corals and I drove the boat to the snorkeling site, which was my first time doing that. We got home safely and all and all it was a really good trip, although I almost missed my flight home trying to get a Cancun shirt and magnets.

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