quarantine routine !!

Hi y’all. As we been knew, the coronavirus has taken over the world. Virginia has officially shut down schools for the rest of the year. You know what that means? I had to establish my own little routine.

  • Wow, list time! Such a fancy way to organize things.


  1. Wake up. I know, such a hard step. Although I don’t like to admit it, I’ve only woken up before noon three times this quarantine. My typical wake up time is around 1am. I know, I have a problem.
  2. Bathroom tings. My personal morning (afternoon) bathroom routine always starts with the hygienic cleansing of the bones inside of the mouth. Putting this simply – brushing my teeth. After that I do my little skin-care routine (I’m not gonna go in depth on that). Boom! I’m done with the bathroom.
  3. Getting dressed. This step has been skipped everyday. Everyday is pajama day.
  4. Catch up. Waking up at noon has its own little perks (such as extra sleep), but it also comes with a lot of drawbacks. It requires me to catch up on everything that happened overnight and throughout the morning. Pretty much I just check all of my notifications.
  5. School (ew). This was only added this week, unfortunately. Since my mom’s a teacher, she’s been adamant that I complete things for school. I don’t enjoy it at all, especially since only a few of my teachers have actually posted things related to our actual class. The second my teachers actually start assigning online work, and not just optional hyperlinks, I’m sure I’ll have a much better time.
  6. Vibe. 
  7. Movie time! So far, my family has watched some sort of movie literally every night. My family has become very addicted to Marvel movies. We’ve started a marathon and we’re trying to watch every movie in chronological order. Before our marathon started, my sister and I would watch a Disney movie every night too.
  8. Bathroom tings pt. 2. I’ve decided to skip meals for the sake of writing this post. In Bathroom Tings Pt. 2, we get to experience me doing the exact same steps as before. Except, surprise! We switch the order!! Instead of brushing my teeth first, I wash my face first. Gotta love skin-care, amirite?
  9. Sleepy time. Alas, back to sleep. Once again, I start my slumber until the next afternoon.


I’ve done pretty much nothing this entire quarantine. My “routine” literally just consists of procrastination. Love y’all, see you next post.

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