Slice of Life

Being a Gangster and How to be one Yourself (My Definition of a Gangster)

Being a gangster is #Awesome. You take on challenges and be the most ultimate guy or gal in your entire neighborhood. Or if you live in Antarctica than in your entire continent. Yes, you frozen person, you can be more ultimate than any penguin ever. Unless a penguin is also a gangster. Okay, I apologize… Continue reading Being a Gangster and How to be one Yourself (My Definition of a Gangster)

Slice of Life

The First Day of the Slice of Life Blogging Challenge is Here!

It is here. March. The month of slices of lives. And I am taking the challenge for the first time. Ever. Yeah, you may think that I am overreacting to this, but this is kind of important. Mostly because I’m a gangsta’ but also because my English teacher really cares about this. But now it… Continue reading The First Day of the Slice of Life Blogging Challenge is Here!