Category: List
Lists of stuff.
Things I Absolutely Hate
Today I will write another list. My last list was my SECOND BLOG POST and it was a list of things I like. So today, as offered by Henry in the comments, I will write a list of things I don’t like, or hate. When my sister has a fit. When swimming lessons take… Continue reading Things I Absolutely Hate
Things I Like (Not in order of likeness)
Terraria My friends Myself The Nintendo Switch My mom My dad The number 7 My guinea pig My brother and sister (But just barely) Food Cake Derps (Don’t ask) Dubstep music Super Mario Warm pajamas Comfortable headphones Free time The Blog of All Blogs (My friend Henry’s blog) Mrs. Haseltine (My English teacher) Earth The… Continue reading Things I Like (Not in order of likeness)
My First Post Ever!
Hello, everybody. Hello is my favorite word! I am Derpus. That sound like a strange name, but it is not actually my real name. Please don’t tell anybody that. Please… OK, so welcome to The Silly Sanctuary! I will be posting stories that I write in my notebook, stories about just life, and most importantly,… Continue reading My First Post Ever!