OMG!!!!! I ALMOST FAILED THE CHALLENGE WHICH WOULD MEAN THAT I WOULD FAIL AT BEING A GANGSTER WHICH WOULD MEAN THAT I WON’T EXIST WHICH WOULD MEAN THAT NOTHING WOULD EXIST BECAUSE I AM EVERYTHING!!! That would be bad, but I am a gangster so I would never forget a challenge. I am also a gangster because I ate a bunch of wings, fries, pretzels, chicken tenders, mustard, queso, and I think ranch dressing. I also ate mint flavored frozen yogurt, cake batter flavored frozen yogurt, strawberry fruit poppers, cherries, and gummy frogs. Ok, so the whole story is that my dad, my sister, my brother and I went to Lost Rhino Retreat and ordered a cherry soda, but they didn’t have cherry soda, but they could make cherry soda with cherries and soda (shocker). Then my dad ordered appetizers like buffalo wings and pretzels, each with their own sauces (ranch dressing I think and queso). The whole time we were watching a NASCAR race on the TV. After the appetizers and some time, our food came, and I got chicken tenders (which came with mustard) and fries. I was already pretty full, but I also ate some fries until my chicken tenders cooled down. Once they did cool down, I was so full that I could only take a few bites into them before I had to stop. Even though I was so full, somehow I could eat at sweet frog after dinner, so I had frozen yogurt and toppings on them. I was also joking that running around in circles would make you hungrier, so that way you could eat infinite Sweet Frog. Then we came home, I took a shower, and now I’m here. Also, I am going to watch a movie, soooooooooo… bye!

You need to calm down at the beggining Derpus. Plus sounds like a great after noon to me. Aside from the almost forgetting to blog.
You are everything? OMG YOU POSSESED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!