
Things I Absolutely Hate

Today I will write another list. My last list was my SECOND BLOG POST and it was a list of things I like. So today, as offered by Henry in the comments, I will write a list of things I don’t like, or hate.


  1. When my sister has a fit.
  2. When swimming lessons take up all my time on Tuesdays.
  3. When I run out of time to blog. Or even do anything at all.
  4. Something that I don’t want to share. (something I don’t want you to know about somebody else. Not gonna say who)
  5. When I am bored to death
  6. When I can’t think of any ideas for this list.
  7. Creepy closets (darn it, FNaF! You creep me out!).
  8. When I say weird stuff and I worry that you readers will think that I am weird, when I am actually not as weird as I may seem on the internet.
  9. When I leave my iPad somewhere at school and I don’t know how I am going to get it back by the time school ends. (That happened twice now)
  10. When my iPad doesn’t charge and I have to worry about it running out of power for the entire school day.
  11. When I am sitting in an uncomfortable chair and my back hurts.
  12. Having piano lessons at the same time as my 3rd favorite YouTubers (there are 2 for the same channel) do live streams (I guess I can watch it later, so it isn’t that bad). BTW, they live stream at 5:00 western time, 7:00 eastern time (I did both because then you will not know which side of the U.S.A. I live at. Just gotta be safe on the internet), so you can tell me in the comments if you know the YouTube channel that I am talking about.
  13. When this laptop clicks when I don’t want it to and my cursor moves to a different spot and messes up my typing.
  14. When people stare at me.
  15. Right now because I suddenly realized that almost everything in the list I am typing starts with the word “when”.


That is kind of it, but I will update it later! Also, I am going to make a new page called “Sanctuary News”, and I will put any important news about my blog in it. But anyway, bye!

2 thoughts on “Things I Absolutely Hate

  1. The youtuber was GT LIVE! (Give me my prize) I like how you listened to your sudgestions and made it into a post. It proves that’s you are reading there comments so they would comment more!

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