Fridays are de wae for me. It means that school is going to be over for the weekend, and I have to endure just four more classes until I am free. Comment what day de wae is for you. So, for you adults who have jobs, you are probably like, “Yay! I don’t have to work tomorrow! I can hang out with my family!”, or maybe you still have to work on Saturdays, but not on Sundays, and you’re like, “Yes, only one more day after today and I can take a break from this!”, or maybe you never get a day off and you are like, “It’s Friday. Does anybody care?”, unless you love your job and you are like, “OMG it is Friday and I never have a day off, but I don’t care ‘cause it is SO FUN!!!”, or if you go to school still and you are like me, saying stuff like, “It is Friday, only one more day left until the weekend!”, or you love school and you are like, “Dang it, I am a big nerd and I want to learn more calculus, but it’s the weekend.”. Well, if you were a nerd you would say that. But also comment what you would say on Fridays. Thanks for reading! Also, just an update on the challenge, I still need to crank out lots more posts so I don’t get caught off guard, so I am gonna be busy! Bye!
I love Fridays AFTER I leave the building since as soon as the bell rings I get trampled by people running full tilt to the weekend.