
Things I Like (Not in order of likeness)

  1. Terraria
  2. My friends
  3. Myself
  4. The Nintendo Switch
  5. My mom
  6. My dad
  7. The number 7
  8. My guinea pig
  9. My brother and sister (But just barely)
  10. Food
  11. Cake
  12. Derps (Don’t ask)
  13. Dubstep music
  14. Super Mario
  15. Warm pajamas
  16. Comfortable headphones
  17. Free time
  18. The Blog of All Blogs (My friend Henry’s blog)
  19. Mrs. Haseltine (My English teacher)
  20. Earth
  21. The Number 21
  22. Life
  23. Puzzles
  24. Funny jokes
  25. Fortnite
  26. Some YouTubers and their channels (that I will ask to visit my blog via comment or live stream chat)
  27. When I have good ideas
  28. Comments on The Silly Sanctuary posts
  29. The perfect temperature (65-70 degrees)
  30. Clean gym clothes
  31. The color red-orange
  32. Actually good books (there are some that are a pain to read)
  33. Sea of Thieves (a pirate game)
  34. Video game glitches (the ones that DON’T kill me. In game, I mean)
  35. Doritos
  36. 100% Power
  37. Computers
  38. SPACE!
  39. When black holes stay away from the solar system
  40. Golfing
  41. The Silly Sanctuary (why didn’t I write that before?)
  42. Some other stuff

And much more that I will probably update in later on!

2 thoughts on “Things I Like (Not in order of likeness)

  1. Wow! I (Derpus) like the SAME EXACT THINGS! And this blog looks EXACTLY LIKE MINE! It’s almost like they’re (My blog and this blog are) twins!

  2. Make a part 2, list of things you don’t like! (IN order of likeliness)

    Here is mine:

    1. Derpus thinking I am wierd for commenting on his second post after it being more than a month!

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