We’re all preparing for it, the third best vacation in school, no responsibilities for an entire week, everyone’s been talking about what they are going to do during spring break. A lot of people have even blogged about it. So today I’m going to blog about what I’m going to do for spring break. This spring break I’m going to virginia beach. I’ve never been to Virginia beach. I’ve been to Rehoboth beach in Delaware and even a beach in the bahamas! But I’ve never been to Virginia beach. I’m super excited and sure that I’m going to have a lot of fun. We’re going to stay there for a couple of days so I’ll give you all updates everyday when I sit down to my computer. I can’t wait till we get out of school and spring break begins!

2 thoughts on “SOL: Spring break”

  1. Can’t wait to hear about the beach! I’m jealous. The beach is one of my favorite places on earth! I’m curious…what are the two better vacations, if this is the third best?

  2. The beach is amazing and I love it and I am also very tired and when I think about it.

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