Daylight Savings

I was going to make a blog about this on Monday though I wanted to stick with my theme with the days. Here was the story. In art we came up on the discussion on what daylight savings time actually was. There was a heated debate and we resorted to plain old paper and pencil to convince my friend. So to prevent any further disputes between friends on this subject. Daylight savings time is made for adding more sunlight in the summer. It was first used by germans in an effort to save power. Though this might work in the olden days what about today. CGP Grey has made a video about this already so the link is right here. Anyway now you know about daylight savings.

What disputes can I clear up for you?


Sundays, the f-i-n-i-s-h of the weekend. You have a lot to do on this day. If you are a christian you have to go to church. For me I have a lot of my classes on sundays because I don’t want to ruin saturdays and I am too busy on weekdays. I lots of classes back to back. Church to piano to dance to robotics. It is overwhelming. So when I come home I am ready to sit down on the couch and watch television until I eat dinner. Consecutive to that I go straight to bed because of school tomorrow. I think that everyone dislikes sundays because School or work ends up coming around. I am in agreement with that on limitless levels. I wish that there were a third weekend to make a balance of school and fun.

What are your thoughts about Sundays?


The best day ever has come, Saturday! I love saturday no school or work. I get to do whatever I want. Video games go for it. Basketball , sure thing. Like I said earlier you can do anything. I have a short list on things to do on Saturday.

  • Lie in bed
  • watch Netflix
  • Watch Youtube
  • Play basketball
  • Go to play laser tag
  • Read a book
  • Play a family game
  • Makeup a new word
  • Make a tent
  • Play with toys
  • Code
  • Theorize life
  • Play with your younger siblings
  • Read my blog

Another good reason I love saturday is because I can catch up on sleep. I usually wake up at 6:00 this makes me insanely tired.Now I can sleep my way out of the weekend. I can also go to bed late because I do not have school tomorrow. This is awesome. Enjoy it now because a new day will come

What are your thoughts on Saturdays?


Finally it is here, Friday. The Finale of the week, The last section of struggle until the weekend. Fridays can be fun though they have some unintended results. The most common one is a test. Normally teachers try to make you work hard so they can see how well you progressed during the week. They also can do it to see if you did well on this unit. This is mainly called a summative test. The other result is a party this is more rare. Parties can be for fall, winter, spring, and summer breaks. They are celebrations that for a celebration of the weekend arrival. I love these parties. I love the weekend as well. Soon you will meet the greatest day ever…

What are your thoughts on Fridays?


Have you ever had a sports game and the opposite team is so much better than you. That is how I feel about thursdays. Thursdays are the days where you are done with notes and The teacher tries to use all kinds of methods to make you remember all of the notes so you do well on the test. Study guides are the most dreadful types of review. A large packet filled with questions that some you know and some you need smidge of help on. I don’t hate these types of review but they are not the most enjoyable. The next type of review is games I like these and hate these. I lov games like go fish and spinners. Though I hate games that require lots of pressure, speed, and especially luck. When those games appear I get really into it, so if I lose in it I feel like I failed on the test. My last review is kahoot. Kahoot is a quiz simulator that makes you use speed combined with intelligence. Kahoot uses points based on speed, the faster you are the more points you get. Though go too fast you will pick the wrong answer due to the big buttons. This game I usually win and when I don’t I love it. Review may be fun, but test day is coming.

What are your thoughts on Thursdays?


Wednesdays are a little more satisfying than other days I have talked about. Wednesdays are a homestretch to teachers and students. Wednesdays are a sign that the weekend is coming to us. This excites everyone, students get more progressive in class due to the excitement. They try to finish more work so they can enjoy their weekend. The teachers want to reach their break so they can have some fun with friends and family. Though students also forget that this is just the homestretch. They still have two more days until the weekend approaches so they think that if they need to do more work  though they still need to do the work for Thursday. That is going to be the hardest part of their journey through the week.

What are your thoughts on Wednesdays?


Now the work gets a little more rough. Tuesdays you get bombarded with work! Teachers assume that you have gotten used to school routines so they load you with homework. When I was in Third Grade I loved tuesdays because I had computer lab on that day. Though when Fourth Grade rolled around I realized even though you have the most enjoyable specials the work always outweighs the fun. This makes me realize the teachers do most notes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I think on Mondays as I said earlier teacher know the students need some time to “get into the groove” as my Third Grade teacher says. Wednesdays is a home stretch and friday is a nice celebration for the weekend. Now let’s think about When we reach our homestretch in the next blog post.

What are your thoughts about Tuesdays?



It seems weird that I am blogging about Mondays on a Thursday. Anyway i have some thoughts about Mondays. In my opinion Mondays are actually not the worst days in the week. Mondays usually mean it is back to school and people need some time to get used to the new routine from the transition from the weekend. Though, I think that there people who think that  Mondays are the worst usually don’t like their school or work environment. Unlike those people I actually like school. I enjoy coming back to school. The best part about Mondays is the workload. There actually is less work because teachers know that the transition is difficult, so teachers actually make it easier for the kids to transition. I love this because it is a nice break from all of the stress. Though the work starts to get a little more difficult from here.

What are your thoughts on Mondays?

The Dab…

The death of all youtube vines, started with this gesture. A monstrosity that made thousands of people hate. The Dab. If you don’t know what the dab is you have a sad life. Basically, the dab is a gesture whare you bend your non-dominant arms elbow and you extend your dominant hand. Now the dab started as a hip hop dance move. Now it has transformed into a evil outgrown disgrace. In 2014 the dab used to be very popular like, the unimpressed lizard, Odell Beckham Jr.’s epic catch, and Alex from target. THough everyone did the dab and loved it, when 2015 and 2016 rolled along people started disliking the dab. By 2016 it was labeled as a disgrace. Famous youtuber DanTDM created a “organization” for stopping the dab know as the dab police. Oh how humanity will be saved if it will just erase from the internet.

Comment if you hate the dab as well

Why do you hate the dab


Alike how I talk to myself in the mirror I do this with my shadow. My shadow isn’t the guy who encourages me do the opposite of what I want to do. My shadow always alerts me of the consequences of doing certain things. For example, When I decide to go and watch youtube instead of studying my shadow reminds me, “Hey you got to do this homework, if you don’t do it now you are going to struggle. ” My shadow along with my reflection can help me make good sensible decisions.Using their support middle school has been a breeze for me.

Who helps you to pull through your challenges?