new challenge: writing a poem everyday in the month of April. I’ve never been a big fan of poetry especially in 3rd and 4th grade. They gave us poems with boring topics. But I’m going to try out this challenge and see how it goes. Now I know what your thinking, really it’s April 3rd It’s too late to start. Well In my defense I just found out about this challenge like 5 minutes ago… literally so I’m going to start right when this blog post is done. But don’t go to those blogs yet cause I’m not done. This morning was chaos. I had to wake up earlier because my mom was downstairs with our new puppies and I had to get my sister up because she had a friend coming to walk with her to school. So I had to get ready within 10 minutes which I usually do if I have my outfit picked out the night before. So it took me 10 minutes then I had to take them outside and when I came in there she was my hyper- puppy loving sister. She’s obssesed which puppies. she hugs them picks them up and actually kisses them in the lips its kinda gross. Anyways with her friend here now she was just so hyper so I had to get myself, and my sister ready while taking care of the dogs. But my mom came down 5 minutes later so it wasn’t a big deal. Well I’m way over word count. my word count is 100 and I have 263 words. so ta ta for now!