
I haven’t done a rant in awhile so here we go. Today I’d like to talk about school… Just school in general. You go there to learn for 7 hours each day but clearly that’s not enough because they give you like 3 hours of homework! But then, this is my pet peeve by the way, There’s the “you should of used the bath room in between classes”. So your telling me you want me to go my locker from my class use the bathroom get my stuff for the next and still manage to walk at a normal pace!?!? Yea no, But then when your like I don’t wanna be late so I’ll ask to go when I get there. No because then you get a lecture about “you should of gone in between classes” But then when your late you get yelled at.  One more pet peeve I have about school is when it starts your not allowed to sleep in class so why start It at like 8:30 We all have to get up around 7 so no wonder why we’re all so tired! Another thing is you get nap time up to like 1st grade then there like ha ha nope. So why teach us that we get to have nap time when later on there is no nap time. So don’t wake us up at the crack of dawn when you expect us to be fully awake and ready to learn at 8:30. Also Studies show that the human brain doesn’t fully function till at least 10 o’clock proving that school starts too early. So they expect us to get through a whole block half awake! That’s just cold.

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