Posted on March 13, 2018
SOL #2
Okay so this is a very serious topic, so let’s get to it.
Why do people use sprinkles? There are lots of reasons why not to. Why not waste your money on tasty toppings such as mini peanut butter cups or gummies? I am telling you, they are gross. They taste like chemicals and food coloring although they are made out of sugar and coloring. Sure, they are pretty, but not in ice cream! They melt and mix and make your ice cream not pretty. You are wasting your money!
Posted on March 6, 2018
Fire at Reach the beach
We are waiting behind the stage for the announcer to call our name. The team before us walks off. We all get ready, but the announcer doesn’t call our name. They never take this long. When they finally call our name, we walk on. When we get to the main stunt, my group hits. We cradle and the music stops. My first thought is the music cut off, but no. The announcer says, “Please calmly exit the building immediately.” I jump of the stage and exit with my team. We all laugh once we get outside as we watch the video of us freezing when the music stops. Then, I meet the rest of my team by the water tower. That was crazy.
Posted on March 1, 2018
SOL #1
Here is a list of things I like.
- My family
- My friends
- My bike
- My bedroom
- Independence
- Tumbling
- My team
- Big bows and nike pros
- The beach
- Cruises
- Erasable pens
- Being outside
- Taking pictures
- Fresh air
- Being outside
- Shopping
- Trampolines
- Summer
- Candles
- Pintrest
Posted on February 15, 2018
My favorite words
This list is a collection of some of my favorite words. Just so you know, I like these words because of how they sound. They are fun to say. Here we go-
1. Crisp
2. Sip
3. Refresher
4. Thin
5. Drip
6. Snicker
7. Snickerdoodle
8. Doodle
9. Slurp
10. Lemon
11. Banana
12. Slip
13. Slurp
14. Sea
Posted on February 14, 2018
My past very slow 12 weeks
Last year, I was a competitive gymnast. I tumbled a lot. One day, my elbow started hurting, so I went to the doctor a few weeks later. The doctor said it was just tendinitis and I should take a week off. A week passes, and It doesn’t hurt as much. I continue through most of the summer fine.
I decide to stop doing gymnastics around the end of the summer before competition season due to the hours we had to spend there. I had to practice 16 hours a week and that wasn’t going to cut it for middle school, so I decided to start competitive cheer. When I started it hurt really bad. This is where the story begins.
I go back to the doctor and get an MRI. When I come back, Very surprising news strikes me. The doctor says, we will have to start the treatment with a cast. My whole body freezes. My face goes red in shock. I don’t have any words for once.
Six weeks go by, and I get it off. Another six weeks go by and I go to get cleared to be able to start cheer again. This morning, I got cleared and I am beyond happy. Tonight I have practice and I am so happy to start again!
Posted on February 13, 2018
The problem with pens!!
if you are a writer, you probably know what I am talking about. Gel pens. They are awesome, but messy. They smudge a lot. The worst part is getting it on the side of your pinky! it feels so sticky! since I usually use blue gel pens, it looks like my hands are all bruised.
Posted on February 13, 2018
Left hand challenge
So the other day, I did the left hand writing challenge. Apparently Writing with your non dominant hand changed your writing. I did not write a lot because it was really hard and as you can see, it did not turn out that well. Here is the translation- Today I have my first art class. I missed the first two because I was on vacation. I am so mad because I don’t have lunch with my best friend.
Posted on February 12, 2018
The red button
Okay so this story was from a while ago but one time, a classmate and I were working in the hallway and we both notice the most devastating thing I have seen. A BIG RED BUTTON. Like come on! It was probably something like an emergency button, but I cannot even tell you how tempting it was. Now you are probably thinking “It cannot get worse.” but guess what? It can!
A few days later, They put a COVER over the button! Like, thanks a lot!