Okay the title does say it is “snowing” but that is my plan for tomorrow! The weather man said it is supposed to snow a lot tomorrow! I can’t wait! Wait, if I don’t have school tomorrow then I can’t take my test in History and then my mom is going to make me study for it even more! ( No offence Mom! ). Will we have to rush when we come back to school and rush on everything! Why can’t it snow near the end of the year when we have nothing to do! Oh shucks golly gee, what am I going to do! I bet it won’t be that bad, I am just over reacting. But what if I am not! What if I can see the future. What if I know that it is coming but I don’t know that I know! Is it going to be okay. Am I going to fail all of my classes because of this chance of snow. What if I get a whole stack of homework due after Spring Break because of this snow! Oh no!