Story time


Once upon a time. There was the legendary mansion, everybody wanted to live in the house but it was 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 about a number I haven’t learned yet. And the only people to go in it is Trumpdemort and Bill Gates. They only lived in it for 2 months because the taxes were so high it was 10,000,000 for one month. People heard that it had 6 pools and it was as big as the tallest building in the world sideways so it’s like 100,000,000,000 square ft. And every one called Houseelvania because it is probably as big as it. But one kid named Billy wanted that house. Billy lived in a regular house and he had enough of the same 3 story houses. He wanted more. He heard people talking about the biggest building. So he made a plan

To Be Continued……..

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