
The waves crashing

The lightning flashing

The red flag is out

Lets take another route

Big clouds in the sky

All I do is wonder why

Why today of all days

Lightning striking in all different ways

Its like a war

Feels like its been going on forever

This shouldn’t happen today not ever




Pieces of art

Words from a book




In a good way

Clues leading up to a reveal

The end of a story

The beginning of a new one




In the middle of the woods


The rush of the leaves

The movement of the branches

A whisper of the cool breeze


As you look up in the sky you see the sun

Bright, bold and yellow

You know that summer is coming



As I wake up in the morning
I hear a beep
And all I want to do is keep counting sheep
When I’m putting on all my clothes
I see a bunch of pretty roses
I totally forgot that today is my parents anniversary
I need a gift and I need it fast
It has to be better l then a stinky old cast
What was I supposed to do
I just broke my arm while I was putting new flowers on our farm
I know what I will get them
I will get them a pig
Maybe for fun I can put him in a wig

Race of Life

Life is like a race…
Sometimes you get tired and feel like you can no longer move forward
Sometimes you feel like you are wasting your time and want to give up
Other times the finish line is in sight and you know exactly what to do

Life can be awesome or it can be awful but just remember that there is always a finish line at the end of your long race. Continue reading