It is here. Part I of the book I am writing! I have succeeded the challenge in the challenge. I made the first part of the book before March ends, but that would mean it would be a part of the SOL challenge, and a story isn’t really a “slice of life.” But what if I were to tell you that it is a book I put time and effort into writing, it is part of my life, and If it is not; I quit the challenge! I would do my own challenge. It is called the SOC challenge. (The slice of cake challenge)
So for the first entry of the slice of cake challenge, I will put down the first 10 pages of my book to make the LONGEST POST EVER! Since you all are probably screaming for me to start so it isn’t 9000 words long, I will start.
Space colonization started back 4000 years ago when we tried to colonize mars, but I never thought I would be involved in it. There was a god that visited earth 1300 years ago and created evil. In California he planted corruption, and in South Africa he planted crimson. He was sent to the distant planet terraria to stop the spreading. But there were 22 colonists there, one from each state in east America. That is where I come in. My job is to end the god, Cthulhu, with the tools they had in store for me. I got a sword made out of copper with the name of a short sword, a pickaxe also made out of copper, and an axe, again made out of copper. We loaded my bag of mostly food that would last someone a decade and I got in the rocket ship. I heard the T-10 to the T-1 and we went faster than any roller coaster. The trip should usually take 10 minutes but we reached it in nine. I looked through the window and saw a planet covered in water but with a strip of land covered in red and purple. “Wait, is that supposed to be a jungle and snow biome?” I asked in concern. “Sigh, at least there is still a patch of green.” Responded the captain. We landed in the center of the patch of green where I got off. It was getting late so I decided to build shelter. I started to chomp down nearby trees but I was approached by an alien. At first glance it looked passive, but it jumped up at me and took some dammange. So I pulled out my sword and tried to stab it, but somehow gravity didn’t let me use my sword to stab it. It just went straight forward and over it. I couldn’t actually use my sword. But instantly an arrow an arrow flew by a tree and hit the creature. I looked towards it and saw someone who looked human. I walked by it and it surprisingly said hello. It could speak English? I was so surprised. He asked me who I was so I told him. “Eric Gestar, but how do you speak English? Are you one of the colonists?” He looked surprised. “Are you the 23rd colonists? The 20th always predicted there would be a 23rd.” “Wait who? And I guess you could put it like that.” I responded with. “Oh, the 20th was kind of that weird wizard type guy.” Was his answer. “And which one are you” I asked. He responded with saying he is the first. I couldn’t believe it! I’ve found the first colonist! Now I only have 21 left to find then I can kill Cthulhu and go back to earth with a 5th habitable planet! Soon I got back to work. By nightfall we had a house with three rooms. A living room and two bedrooms. But there were two problems. It was too dark, and we had no beds! I heard a knock on my door. “Come in, Wait what’s your name?” I said. “Luke, and I might be able to solve some of the problems.” He responded. “Oh okay!” I said. “For one, you can make a bed with 15 wood and 15 wood and 5 silk at a sawmill, and you can make torches with gel and wood. He responded with. “How do you know this much?” I asked. “The 21 others call me the guide.” Luke said while shrugging. “If you know so much,” I said “how do you find the next colonist?” Then, he quickly said “50 silver, you need 50 silver.” After a few more questions and three torches, I figured out that you need 100 copper to get one silver, and then to gold and platinum. You get coins by fishing them off dead monsters. Also, if you make a different sword, gravity won’t affect it. So I used my leftover wood to make a new sword and armor while I was at it. Then i went alien hunting. I realized at night there are zombies and floating eyes everywhere. I was practically running through them my new sword was so effective. Until the world got darker and rotten. I then noticed I was entering the corruption. Once I stepped into the purple, my foot plunged down onto the rotten dirt. I kept going until I saw a ditch. I looked down it and it appeared to go down forever. I heard a weird sound, causing me to turn around. There was a rotten creature, causing me to fall down the hole. I was falling, knowing death would be at the bottom. But then SPLASH! I fell into a somewhat deep pool of water. I saw a chest at the bottom of the pool. I opened it up and found flippers, bombs, and bars. I picked them up but clumsily dropped the bomb exploding into a cave. I was about to walk away until I saw a shiney bulb in the hole. I got closer to it because I heard it calling me. I smashed it open and it exploded into a gun. I picked it up in shock. I double checked the chest and saw I forgot some rope. I also picked up the chest for extra storage. I used the rope to climb up the ditch and saw I survived my first night.
I was walking back to the house but I saw Luke and someone else working on it. “Oh, is this the Eric you were talking about, Luke?” “Yup, that’s him. Responded Luke. I asked his name and he said he was called Frank, The Merchant, or number two. So I checked and saw I gathered 50 silver. “If your the merchant, can I buy something?” I looked at my bars and ordered an anvil. It cost me most of my money but I was able to update my armor and sword to silver. But then I remembered “Uh, Luke.” I asked. “Yeah, please don’t get lost, where did you even go?” He asked. “I went to the corruption. What even are those flying things?” I asked. There called an eater of souls, and in the crimson they are called crimterra.” He responded “But I don’t think that was you original question.” I told him I needed 23 beds. So he gave me a list. First I crafted loads of stuff, but then I had to go underground. I needed 35 cobwebs, then I would be done. So I sharpened my copper pickaxe and started digging down. Soon, I plunged my pickaxe into the ground and saw what looked like an underwater lake. I jumped inside to check for cobwebs, but instead saw some sort of crystal. I picked it up and noticed it was in the shape of a heart. I lifted it in the air thinking “yes! If I bring this back to earth I’ll get rich! But right then it disappeared. I was bummed until I realized what I did. I felt stronger. Like I went from 100% to 120%. I jotted that down in my mental notes as heart crystals. I looked up to continue the rope tunnel with the ropes I bought but I saw something shiny in the distance. I crawled out of the pool too see what looked like an ore. I pulled out my pickaxe to mine it giving me the riches. I saw what looked like diamonds but I saw what looked like diamonds but with a huge drop down a cave. I dug out the gem after building a bridge out of dirt. As I turned around I saw a pile of bones that weren’t there before. I tried to go around it but it smacked me. I realized that it was alive and if I didn’t clear it fast he knock me into what I am going to call death cave. I tried to shoot him but it slider past his rib cage and pierced the cave wall. I knew it was going to be a dumb idea but I didn’t know why.
And that is all I am going to give you today. I hope you read through it all! But remember, there is no downside to video games!
I really like your book so far!!! (:
I understand that your story is based upon terraria, but are you making your main antagonist C’thulu, C’thulu is a mythical creature but he’s not in terraria. If I had made it I would have made the main antagonist the moon lord, but you are the author of the story and you make the decisions.