Help, I can post on Mondays-Thursdays but on Fridays and weekends? Not like I am supposed to play Terraria 24/7 (Or do other homework) with Derpus but how are you supposed to fit a blog that looks like a 52849375894375824397598475984379437859487594749574957495749 page essay (I mean a long post) In one small day?

I can do it but it is super time consuming, I mean I can type like nyan cat but pictures are different on every device. So if you are posting on your ipad you will have to take a picture of your canva thing that you put on your computer, and I can’t figure out screenshots.

I find it confusing and weird! As you can tell, I am not a tech person. But if it is not confusing, there is no downside to video games!

Categories: SOL

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