This is another post where I respond to your comments! I found out that I get about ten comments a month, so let’s get into the responding!
Sue OBrien: Happy Birthday Henry!!! XOXO Aunt Sue (WE DID IT, AGAIN)
Why thank you!
Wendy: As a new reader of your blog (because of the blog takeover), I do not understand the last line of all of your posts: “Remember there is no downside to video games.” Please explain. (I NEED COMMENTS)
It pretty much means there is nothing wrong with video games. I’m glad you asked!
Michelle Haseltine: I love your poem! (THE BLACKOUT POEM OF ALL BLACKOUT POEMS)
Thank you! I enjoyed making them so I might consider more blackout poems in the future.
Carolyn Cassar: Thank you Henry! Best birthday ever! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY)
Your welcome! It was pretty thoughtful.
Sue OBrien: I love your poem Henry. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY)
I’m glad you liked it!
Scott: WAE to go! This is The Blog of All Blogs! I love the run on sentence and can’t wait for more poems. (DE WAE)
I like the pun! But… the poems are over. ALL BUT THE FAT PERSON POEM!
Michelle Haseltine: But you promised!
Ok, and blackout poems.
TheRandomDude: what does twenty five:eighty two mean, It can’t be hour:minute because that only goes up to twenty four. (I NEED TO LEARN NEW POEMS!)
I was trying to make a joke because the clock only goes up to twelve. So it’s like looking onto your phone and seeing it is 100:3.1415926
TheRandomDude: I do have to admit, I have no idea what just happened. But hey, that’s poetry! (I NEED TO LEARN NEW POEMS)
Yeah, that is poetry!
Michelle Haseltine: You got me! Hahha! (I QUIT)
I honestly didn’t think anyone would fall for that.
But remember, there is no downside to commenting! And video games!