Remember that time you were on break once and it was one week of pure boredom? If you remember back to February I said memes are what I scroll through if I am SUPER BORED? That is currently what is happening. We are the only family not going anywhere during the break AND nothing interesting is going on. The only exciting thing is I managed to get ONE KILL on Fortnite. (Yay I am the worst at the game)
I also did a TON of Game Theory and Film Theory. I really am looking forward to Easter because
It would give me something to do.
It is on April fools day so I bet SOMEONE is going to get a dyed rotten egg with there name on it.
That is my current update on the break. But remember, there is no downside to video games!
Don’t imagine you are the worst, I’m really good in overwatch which is another shooter game and I got to platinum, which is almost the cream of the crop, but now when I switch to fortnite I barely ever get killed, even when my aiming cross-hairs are on the enemy