On the 21st of march there was a HUGE snowstorm. Where I live a huge snowstorm is at most an inch of snow and we had about 2 INCHES! And for some reason, we got snow on the first day of spring and NO SNOW during the winter. It is weird. It is also somewhat-rare. This is the temperature of where I live during the winter:
Even last year they tried to take a week off from June last year to make up for ZERO SNOW DAYS!!! (If you read the entire 5th grade series, you would guess that they didn’t, and you would be right) But mom got a call and said that school is not existing tomorrow. It was cool because next week is SPRING BREAK and we would get a peak at the AMAZINGNESS OF NOT GOING TO SCHOOL FOR A WEEK! It also looks like an alien invasion outside because we NEVER get snow here.
In that image you see that there is no footsteps and we are missing out right? Well, my old elementary school had massive hills around it causing AWESOME SLEEDINGNESS! When Derpus and I came we also buried each other alive. (It was kind of scary since we had sleds covered with snow as our coffins) We were there for FOUR HOURS! Until we came home… TO PUSH THIS MASSIVE SNOWBALL IN THE SNOW! We did that until it was about 8739857934857 lbs. But remember, there is no downside to video games!