In my last post it says:
So I like it because a ripoff of Terraria is a PGN (Prankster Gangster Nation) To me, so I will post a poll (You will see what I mean) and we will see which game is best.
So here it is! I “Posted A Poll” LOL get it! So back to what my post is about, oh yeah! It is about this post right here:
So this post should be about any other video game, so let’s get started!
There are so many diverse ones from Pacman to Subnautica, (Okay, I will stop with the weird format I was talking in) For the adults out there that think video games are unhealthy like doritos, you can play video games without learning new strategies to solve a problem type stuff, They are educational sometimes. Also the game that was very popular Pokémon GO, the game where you walk around to find Pokémon.
Which means video games and “playing” outside in 608634590748964398790830594387832619238409823641098236148732891470392874103928174093281478392741230981473298140239814713289473209817432 degree weather are the same thing.
So as you can tell, there is no downside to video games!