So in one of my earlier posts I said that I’ve never missed that bus before…So I guess I jinxed myself. I missed the bus today because it’s daylight savings! My alarm is on my clock, not on my phone, so when our clocks were set forward it messed up my alarm! So I woke up at 7:00 because that’s when I usually do but daylight savings confused me. So I thought that it was actually 6:00 but since time springed forwards my clock said 7:00 so me being me thought that meant I could sleep in until 8:00. And also through out the night I had a terrible headache! So I was up at 2:00am with a really bad headache that made me want to cry. Since I couldn’t go back to sleep I went downstairs to the kitchen and got some Advil. But since it was 2:00 in the morning no one was awake so when I was getting out a Advil tablet I guess it was really loud and I woke my mom up. I thought that I was being really quiet but I guess my moms just a REALLY light sleeper because no one else was awake. And also my parents room was on the opposite side that I was on! Anyways my mom asked me what’s wrong and I told her my head hurt and that I had been up just lying in bed for an hour with my headache. So what she did is she has some essential oils that can help with headaches. And so she got out the peppermint oil and put it on my forehead. So then we both went back to bed. But anyways I was really tired this morning so that’s why I told myself I could sleep in for a little longer. I’ve also made a blog about that, having bad decisions in the morning! But then I went downstairs and eat breakfast. And while I was making my lunch my dad said, “Gabi? What are you doing here it’s 8:20 you should have left 20 minutes ago.” And I was in shock! I wasn’t late my dad drove me to school and I was in my class by the time the bell rang. But I was scared the whole time! Well, I had fun writing and hope you enjoyed reading! Student signing out! <3
Oh my, what a morning you had! I’m glad it all worked out in the end. (I love peppermint essential oils for my headaches too. Your mom is so smart!) Hope you’re feeling better today!