Having glasses are harder than you think. Some people think glasses are easy and simple. But it’s really not! You walk up and put on your glasses exactly where you put them last night, right? WRONG! I’m basically blind without my glasses so i’ll put them down somewhere and in the morning -since I can’t see- I can’t find them. So i’ll go downstair and tell my parents I can’t find them and they’ll walk up to my room and get them off my desk. I always put my glasses on my desk but in the morning I always forget that! Also not to mention it’s March but it’s still cold! So i’ll walk out of my nice warm house into the cold and my glasses will almost instantly start to fog up! And it’s so annoying because I have to wait until my glasses adjust to the temperature for them to de-fog. Those are some of the main things but there are little things that still bother me. Like for instants when people want to try on my glasses and touch the lenses so then they get all dirty and I have to clean it. Or if someone takes my glasses off my face without telling me. And the thing that annoys me the most is when people say, “wow you have really bad eyesight.” That makes me so mad! I literally think, “oh really? I have had glasses since I was eight and I never noticed. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention that I have bad eyesight. I will praise you dear person.” I feel like people should know if someone has glasses then they would definitely know if they have bad eyesight or not! Well, I enjoyed writing and hope you enjoyed reading! student signing out! <3