I absolutely LOVE animals! Almost all animals, I said Almost. Snakes are a no, just no. There danger noodles. And I don’t like danger. Sure I like noodles but the word danger…If we go anywhere and there’s a sign or someone says, “Hey, watch out for snakes,” I’ll just leave, seriously i’ll just walk away. Danger noodles are definitely not my type. Those noodles can KILL people! And the way they can blend in and just sneak up on you just like the little danger noodles they are, just gives me jitters. I sometimes call them nope ropes because if I see and or hear one it’s just, nope, im out, bye bye! And it’s not just danger noodles I hate. I also am not a big fan of seagulls, octopus, killer whales, bears, and raccoons. That’s all, some other animals i’m ok with. And that’s why in the beginning I said almost all animals. But since i’m weird I don’t just call them by their name, oh no no no no noooo. I’m going to go through the list of the names I call them and why i’m not a big fan of them. So first we have our lovely beach chicken. And once when I was five we were at the beach and one took my sandwich out of nowhere! I was hungry after that…THANKS A LOT BEACH CHICKEN! Also if you haven’t noticed yet I am going in order that I named them. So next we have our floppy floppy sea spider. And those are just terrifying because they’re in the ocean and their very big and with all there 8 tentacles that’s not a nice spider I don’t like spiders in the first place. I don’t have a story to tell about this one because thankfully I have never ran into one. Next on my list is a panda whale. Its original name is killer whale so there’s not much explaining to do considering it has the word killer in its name. I also haven’t seen that before in real life so praise the genies! Then we have a danger floof. Rather than saying Brambleton middle school I should just say floof middle school. I’m gonna stick with that. I mean technically considering I go to school almost every day I could say that I ran into a danger floof before. Then last but not least my favorite, the trash panda. Again I’ve never seen one but they go through your trash! I don’t want to clean up their mess which was technically my mess but they made it a mess again! If that even makes since…I just hope I never run into to anything on this list, ever! Well I enjoyed writing and I hope you enjoyed reading! student signing out! <3