When we got our cats we were soooo excited! I’m surprised our parents even trusted us with cats. When I was born I already had Chico with me, he’s 15 currently. But when we got the kittens I was 8 and sister was 12. We both got a cat. A small black cat, that was a girl. And a grey tabby cat, who was a boy. My sister got the girl and I got the boy. My sister cat was named Cricket and mine was named Collin. Cricket was a very shy cat and Collin was a very loud, friendly cat. We got Collin and Cricket because Brooke and I both liked them and they were in the same cage together. They were both found in the “wild”, aka on the streets. We think Cricket was abused by her former owners and that’s why she’s so shy and only likes to hang around my sister. Cricket runs away from a lot of people, and things. When we first got the kittens we kept them in my sisters bathroom while we were there. Since we already had Chico we wanted to make sure the kittens could get used to our upstairs of the house before they met Chico. When we made the cats introduce we did it very slowly. First we let Collin and Chico introduce because Collin was more friendly. Then we did Cricket and Chico. Because Chico’s older he didn’t really care. Sometimes the kittens would annoying him and chase him but that was really it. He never hissed or pawed(hit) them. And that’s definitely a good sign! Well I enjoying writing and hope you enjoyed reading! Student signing out! <3