Hello! Sorry for not posting earlier this week. This week was VERY BUSY. On Monday I had volleyball, on Tuesday I had pitching practice, on Wednesday I had a church activity (from 5:30-9:00), On Thursday I had self defense and softball, and on Friday I had volleyball. Today I had a volleyball tournament, but sadly we lost all our games. Also, our season is over:( My main sport though is softball. I play for a travel team called Loudoun Inferno. I play centerfield, short stop, second, and pitcher. I usually play centerfield. I recently got a new bat that I love! It is the Louisville Slugger LXT. Here’s a picture below: I’m so happy that it is the weekend! Since I had my volleyball tournament all morning, my family and I are just relaxing at home. I also played a lot with my Guinea Pig this morning! I play this game I call “Lettuce Scavenger Hunt”. His favorite food is probably tied between red peppers, lettuce, and timothy hay so I just used lettuce. What I do is I hide lettuce (I pretty much just lay them mostly in plain sight because he is not good at finding stuff), and I let him go on the carpet and find them, and as he finds them he gets to eat them as a reward. Now he is tired and sleeping. Anyways, I have to go. Bye!