I just got home from the tennis court today around noonish and just finished lunch.My brother and I played my dad who is pretty good at tennis and won two games against my dad. My brother and I are still wanting to go back and play basketball instead of playing another tennis game. I am starting to think that we will not be able to go to the park again for a while. Seeing how my dad is starting to work on cleaning my turtle, Einstein’s, tank.
Category: S.O.L.C. (Slice of Life challenge)
Tournament Day!!!
Today I went to watch my first karate tournament in my entire two years of my karate career. The tournament started at twelve o’clock, but we didn’t really get there until one o’clock. When we got to the church that the tournament was taking place at, it was dead silent until my dad and I got around the first corner, when we heard people yelling from the gym. There were four “rings”, but we only saw two thanks to the wall of people blocking our view of the other two rings. After a while we finally realized that the gym that we were in was actually had a carpet on the entire court!
The tournament was supposed to go until three, but that is when all the fun started to “kick” in. Get it? Anyway that was when the sparring started! The first match I watched were these two four year olds . The match started and the kid in the white helmet just kept getting point over and over again until the score was 15-1! It was hilarious! There was another hour of fun left, but that would take to much time to explain! Bye for Now!
Bragging Rights
Yes. Everybody I know that plays Pvz Heroes has no legendaries! Over the past few days I have pulled three different legendaries and two of them are really overpowered. One of them is probably the worst legendary in the entire game. Even most of my common rarity cards are better than it. The other day when I had pulled my second legendary the night before I ran to the bus stop to tell other people who play the game or really like the game about what my luck rewarded me. After talking to them we finally got on the bus and sat next to someone who was not that excited about the game and now he wants to redownload the app that he used to play!
So you know I go to school in a two story building, right? Anyway apparently my english teacher was not here today or something happened because right now instead of being in my regular room upstairs I’m currently downstairs in a different teacher’s room blogging. Might I also mention it’s kind of chilly in here because someone opened something and now it stinks. The other teacher finally decided to open the windows on a around thirty-eight degree day. Also it’s not like it’s just one of the windows, it’s all of them!
Why Do I Feel Like This?!?!
Why do I feel like this? I’m really craving Buffalo Chicken wings or Burger 21’s “OMG” burger on a lettuce wrap. Some juicy wings, some ribs from glory days as well as their Mac and Cheese and Garlic potatoes. I still have another hour until lunch and I’m starving. Glory Days wings with the barbeque sauce and a full rack of ribs, as well as a thing of garlic potatoes would really do me some good. Watching color changing lights in the classroom turn orange just reminds me of buffalo chicken anything. What is wrong with me, WHY AM I STARVING, WHY?
The Last Of The Last
Today is it, my final middle school game for this fall. I know that we will not win, but who cares anymore? We have lost every single game of the season and tonight is just to have fun. Now like I said yesterday, If we lose great, if we win that is just awesome! A few hours later…I just came home from the game tonight and I’m so tired, I’m surprised I’m even still awake doing this blog! We got crushed ten to one but we all still had lots of fun! I just had dinner and am doing my blog. Soon I get to go to bed… YAY!!!
Bronze is Better Than Nothing
Today I had my final hockey game and we beat what was supposed to be the second place team, gray. That was before they lost to yellow and we won 3rd place. My team was the season champions before we lost to blue. After the game we had a huge party that had catered Chick-fil-A with yogurt cups, Fruit bowl, and about 25 of each of the 3 types of biscuits. The party lasted throughout the entire championship. Yellow won gold and blue got crushed by at least 3 points. Then I went home without any energy.
Battle of Wishes
My friend Derbus and I are having a little battle in my english class from the attendance. Derpus has been doing the infinite wishes thing for a while. Well today I got him back in todays attendance question: Would you rather be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early ? I said “ 20 miunutes ear;y so that way I could get infinite wishes 20 minutes before Derpus!”
A few days ago I thought that my friend and I had our last middle school hockey game on Tuesday. As soon as I got to History I slammed my stuff down on my desk, ACCIDENTALLY rushing to tell him before attendance took place. My friend took out his phone and rushed to text his parents. This was the very last block of the day and the game was at 5 o’clock. So basicaly right after school so I was so jumpy for some apparent Reason the entire block of history. The bell rang and I dashed out the door to my after school program. Thinking to myself yay, I didn’t to go to karate class. Once I got there I saw shorts in my bag. So I called my dad only for him to tell me that I had to go to Karate Class. I asked why and found out in shame that My middle school game is actually on Tuesday! I live life in shame until my dad arrives to pick me up from after school.. BUt hey, I’ve faced way worse.
It’s the first day of March and my English teacher has organized a blogging challenge!!! What should I write this march? I’m so excited of the challenge, but I don’t know exactly what to write! I’m so excited and my teacher claims that it will help me in the long run for ideas for blogging. So that’s why I’m doing this challenge. Comment me to help me through this challenge and what you would want to hear from me or any questions you might have! This is not to be confused with the SOLs in virginia, the most disliked test in all of school history! Now who WANTS to do that crazy stuff anyway? I know that I’m not some wierd person that does’t like SOLS, right? Peoples reading this just bare with me and I’ll TRY not to bore you peeps out there!