In 5th grade I was in cub scouts and we were having a party because we were leaving cub scouts and we’re becoming boy scouts, which is basically for older scouts/people. So, at the party someone was flipping a Gatorade bottle because we were in the time were bottle flipping was cool. And someone flipped the Gatorade bottle and the cap broke off and Gatorade spilled everywhere. So, basically the person who flipped the Gatorade bottle cleaned up the smaller puddle of Gatorade but didn’t clean up the bigger puddle of Gatorade that was in the corner of the the cafeteria. Also this happened in legacy, some of you probably remember that school. But anyway back to the story. So after the party was over we went to lunch the next day and saw the sticky mess of Gatorade in the corner of the cafeteria. So basically it was so hidden that nobody saw the Gatorade except us. So every day we walked into the cafeteria we saw the Gatorade spill and pointed it out to each other on how it was still there. But one day I’m guessing someone did find it because the next day the spill was gone. But to our surprise the Gatorade was there so long that it actually stained the floor. So all those people that say that Gatorade can’t stain your shirt, your wrong. Because if you leave it there for like 15 days, it will stain your shirt.