Idk why im on this blog
Idk why im on this blog
So, I don’t really know if this counts as a Slice of life post but hopefully it does. So, I guess they were doing work on the roof of the school. But randomly during class we see this blue rope hanging in front of the window and I thought it was suuuuuuuuuper weird. But a couple seconds later. Boom!! Onamonapia. We see this box attached to the rope slowly being pulled up by the rope. It was very random and funny. But then a minute later we saw the box being pulled up from the rope AGAIN. And it did not stop. It kept happening over and over again. During that time when the box was being pulled by the rope we were working on are essay, ikr boring, on character traits. SO I GOT ALMOST NOTHING DONE BECAUSE OF THAT BOX. So if you don’t get anything done blame it on a box.
Good bye.
Good night.
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So, you might be asking what should I do if my computer smells like a campfire.
You know how you get the cart of computers and they are all super hot when you get them. Well that’s what this post is about. Makes sense right? Well anyway if your computer does actually smell like a campfire then either you thru it into a campfire or something is wrong with your computer. Well actually, lets google search it because google always tells you the truth.
Well it says on this random website that your computer has to much dust in it. So there you go, you need to get rid of the dust.
Idk what this blog post is. This is very weird.
Good bye.
Why is funner not a word. I mean there’s a definition for it so does that technically make it a word?
Well any way WHY IS IT NOT A WORD. It makes total sense to why it should be a word. I mean it even sounds like a real word too. But no, the English language says NO.
Comment below if you think funner should be a word!!!
You know what, i’m speaking Spanish for the rest of this blog post.
Pensaste que estaba bromeando y que eras inteligente y usaste el traductor de Google para traducir esto. Probablemente deberíamos cambiarnos al español. NO ACEPTA DECIR SÍ AHORA. También por favor comenta y me gusta.
I AM SO UNORGANIZED!!! But oh well. Also, my English binder is also a mess.
Here are some pictures of my binder. Look at your own risk.
Please donate to the Carter trust fund today.
My science binder also looks like this so I need that too.
But most of all I need 2 binders. I need a A-Day binder and a B-Day binder. But I will do that next year when I am in 7th grade.
Anyway I needed something to write about and I guess this is it.
Hold on keep reading cause I am not at a 100 words yet.
Ok, you can stop reading i’m at 100 word
What is Fortnite someone please tell me. I HAVE NO IDEaA WHAT^YJFKA IST IS UGHG%$IPJERKdfhukej.
Everyone has it and they keep saying that “OMG I HAVE FORTNITE MOBILE HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHABHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH” and all those people who have iPhone 6’s cant even play Fortnite mobile BECAUSE ITS SO BAD. I personally don’t see how this game is so addicting but I play Roblox so what do I have to say.
এই ব্লগ পোস্ট একটি কৌতুক হয়। Fortnite যে খারাপ নয় কিন্তু আমি
ফোরনিট খেলি না বেশিরভাগ কারণ এর তাই হার্ড। আমি Fortnite মধ্যে একটি খেলা জিতেছে না
উপায় দ্বারা এছাড়াও দ্বারা। দয়া করে আপনার সব গোপন কথা বলুন দয়া করে
I guess it does
Comment if you fell for it
Lately we have been getting SO MANY SNOW DAYS which is great but what I don’t like about it is that we’ve been having snow days on “A” days. Which if you didn’t know, I have both math and History on “B” days. For me, these are the classes that I get most of my homework on and that means everyone who has math and History on “A” days hasn’t had homework in like a week. But I guess it’s kinda good because I have keyboarding on “A” days but other than that i’m VERY disappointed in nature.
Also fun fact we’ve barely even started the snow season. Last year we had basically no snow days but not this year 🙂
But anyway I guess snow days are better than having school.