Hello future me. I’m your past me telling you what you should have accomplished by the end of the year. Now first off, you should have at least 25 followers. If you. Don’t, then either nobody follows anyone or nobody likes your blog post. Next you should have at least a 85 blog posts or maybe 100 blog posts. If not then make more blog posts k thanks. Next you should have at least 50 comments. Why 50. Because nobody really commented on blog posts. Remember that March 31 day challenge. Well I hope you completed it. Also fun fact, I’m making this blog post during the 31 day blog post challenge. Also you know that game fortnite, that I have never won a game in, well have you won a game and even is that still a popular game? Also this blog post is kind of like a time capsule were you bury something and hope that you remember to dig it up in like 30 years. I actually made a time capsule and I buried it somewhere near the brambleton pool that should be open right now in cub scouts. Not boy scouts, cub scouts. basically cub scouts is the thing you go to before you go to boy scouts. It’s basically like pre boy scouts. Also sorry that this blog post is a mess and kind of all over the place. I made this near the beginning of the year when I was terrible at writing. Soooo yeah. Bye and hello future self.