Countdown timer to the blog post
Ok, so this is going to be a interesting post. So, basically what i’m doing is scheduling a blog post to go live on June 6th 2018 stating what I should have accomplished by that time. Some of those things will consist of how many followers I should have, How many blog posts, and how many comments I should have. Also pls steal my idea. I want this to become a trend where everyone does this. Also this blog post is going to posted be a week before the last day of school and i’m also going to keep the blog post a secret from all you people, so I guess you will just have to wait and see when the blog post comes out that day. I also created a countdown which hopefully is at the top of the blog post so you can see how long it is until when the blog post comes out. I mean I guess its kind of cool. I also almost posted the blog post which that would have been bad. But anyway I hope you are excited to see the blog post on June 6th.
Also if the countdown already hit zero or its June 6th then click here for the blog post!!!
Also sorry about the comments, I accidentally disabled them. They should be back up now.
Also the countdown will only work if you fully open it. Yes I know, this blog post is very broken. sorry
How do you get a timer? But I already did, but it is not going to just be the end of the year, you will be able to see it on December 31 9999. It is about my “True self” So I can’t wait for the future people to read it. But I will probably do one on June 6th too.