I have a notebook that I really love. On the front of it, It says scribbles that matter and it has a bunch of cute doodles. In the notebook I have some of my own doodles, and I like to make lists of things like what I got for Christmas or admired friends or even admired teachers, and I do put a lot of things or people on my lists. The journal is also a bullet journal so it has a bunch of dots through the whole thing so I don’t really write stories or anything I just doodle and make lists. Now I won’t lie doodling and making lists sometimes can get boring, so I did put some goals in there that I am really trying to follow. I also like to maybe put codes for video games in there even though I am not a big gamer. I have only used a little bit of the notebook but it is still fun to have. I do recommend this journal I think it is a great journal.