I have a notebook that I really love. On the front of it, It says scribbles that matter and it has a bunch of cute doodles. In the notebook I have some of my own doodles, and I like to make lists of things like what I got for Christmas or admired friends or even admired teachers, and I do put a lot of things or people on my lists. The journal is also a bullet journal so it has a bunch of dots through the whole thing so I don’t really write stories or anything I just doodle and make lists. Now I won’t lie doodling and making lists sometimes can get boring, so I did put some goals in there that I am really trying to follow. I also like to maybe put codes for video games in there even though I am not a big gamer. I have only used a little bit of the notebook but it is still fun to have. I do recommend this journal I think it is a great journal.
Month: February 2018
love this title page!!!
When I started this notebook I was excited and I knew I had to come up with a title page pretty soon, so I thought about it for a while and when I was in class one day I thought about it and decided I would put a quote on the first page. When I went home I went online and looked for some quotes and then found a very good one about writing I thought it was perfect. The quote was “ Write until it becomes as natural as breathing write until not writing makes you anxious.”. As soon as I saw this quote I knew it was perfect, so I wrote it down on a piece of paper and brought it to school and that is when I got to work. I made the background blue with yellow stars, I made the words write, becomes, breathing, not writing, and anxious very big, and all the other words in between a normal size. Then I made all the words rainbow. I love it a lot and I think it is very pretty.
Cheesiest joke ever!!
Cheesiest joke ever
Do you want to hear the cheesiest joke ever ?
Well even if you didn’t here it is,
Why did the lady get fired from the calendar factory?
Answer: Because she took a few days off. LOL!!!
P.s. I found this on a cereal box!!
Once upon a time there was a fairy named Arabella, she was very kind and sweet. She was very happy until one day she found out her father was becoming very ill. He had a very serious illness called bloples. This had caused many fairies to die at one time, and then it became very rare and hard to get, but she was just an unlucky family who got it. Later that year her father passed away. After that Arabella tried to help out around the house as much as she could. She did a lot, but she knew it wasn’t enough. After a couple years her mother started to sneeze and cough. Arabella knew she had to do something. She was not going to let what happened to her father happen to her mother. She had to adventure somewhere where she new she wasn’t supposed to go. It was a place that was forbidden. It was called the winter forest. She told her mom about the long journey, and her mom did not like the idea, but after a lot of convincing her mom still didn’t let her go, so she was going to have to sneak out.
That is all I have for right now of this story, so to see the end of the story you will have to keep checking in.
Welcome to my first blog!!!
Hello! Welcome to my blog I am so excited to share all my stories that I love. I will post on Mondays and Thursdays. I was very excited when my teacher told me we were doing blogs. My blog will be about all my stories and my notebook. I am happy to start my journey. I hope you will join me on this blog and keep checking in. Thank you for starting with me.