Fortnite, the best game ever made…

Image result for fortniteThis isĀ Ninja I have always loved watching his streams on Fortnite, he makes me laugh by his jokes, even the dog laughs! Most of the time he’s playing fortnite. He has two streams one in the morning and one in the evening. He makes so much money playing fortnite! He makes at least a 1,000,000 a month and sometimes more! Some people say playing video games are dumb, but they really aren’t if you make money doing it! I mean sometimes fortnite has tournaments where you win money, for winning! This is probably the best game ever! When my owner downloaded it I knew it was gonna be a blast! I even played a game and almost one because it’s so easy! So if you ever see my owner saying he has a bunch of wins it’s true I get him so many when he leaves for school. Though, the only thing bad is that the controllers are to big for me! So for the best Sincerely~ Pebbles

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