Looking back at last year, I didn’t read much. These were the five books I read in my spare time and not for school. Majority of them were pretty disappointing.
1). I really enjoy reading about heists, so when my friend recommended Six of Crows (by Leigh Bardugo), I was really excited to read it. Except, there was no heist. This was by far the most disappointing book of 2018, and I tried to like it- Leigh Bardugo has really nice writing. But purple prose isn’t the only thing that can make up for the lack of an interesting plot, so I’d give it about 1 and a half stars out of 5.
2). Crooked Kingdom was an unnecessary sequel. If possible, it was worse than Six of Crows (Bardugo) in terms of plot and pacing. 1/5 stars
3). The Court of Fives trilogy by Kate Elliott: My mom and I actually read these together, and she liked them. I didn’t, but I did find them absolutely hilarious. The first book was decent- maybe 3/5 stars, but the next two books were as if Elliott googled ‘YA Cliches’ and decided to combine them all together. I’d give all three books maybe 2/5 stars?
4). The Girl from Everywhere (by Heidi Heilig) was one of the options we had for a book project last year, and the summary made it sound really interesting. I did Like Water on Stone instead, but I read the book just for the sake of doing so, and I wish I hadn’t. There were a couple of moments I enjoyed, but overall, it was a drag and it didn’t live up to the expectations in synopsis created. I would still recommend it, however. 3/5 stars.
5). A Reaper at the Gates (by Sabaa Tahir) was the only book I actually enjoyed last year. I was actually surprised, because A Torch Against the Night was kind of a mess, but I’m glad I read it. There was a lot I liked- the character development, the plot, and Helene’s POV. 4/5 stars

A Reaper at the Gates