A Bit of a Change?

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When I was choosing a topic for this blog, the first thing that came to mind was writing.

I really, really like writing.

It’s therapeutic, you can incorporate your own experiences with your dreams and weave in other aspects of who you and your life. I feel like through writing I’ve discovered a lot about myself and my thought process.

I’ve started writing a lot of different types of stories, but I never got past the first or second chapter because I would lose interest or not know what to do. So, about two years ago, I decided I would plan out my next project. It’s been a really long process, but I’ve written about seventy pages. This is super exciting for me because I’ve never gone past twelve pages.

Going back to my blog, I’m thinking about tracking how much I write between each blog. That way, I can continue to write during the school year. I’m not 100% sure yet, but I’m really considering it.

Thank you

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