A… Anime Is fabulous! Anime has been with me, my entire life, I didn’t even know it. When I was in Bangladesh, I started watching anime. Without realizing it! The first anime I watched was Doraemon, but it Hindi version.: )
B… Books are exquisite! I have started reading a lot of books, since I came to America. My first book series were the Geronimo Stilton books. This was the first big-ish series, I finished. To this day, I still love these books.
C… Cats and birds are the best pets anyone can have, even though I don’t have them as pets.
D…Darkrai is my favourite Pokemon, because it gives off nightmares, unintentionally. It’s so sad that none of the Pokemon want to be friends with it, because of its nightmare ability. Plus the design of it is super cool!
E… Erased is my favorite anime of all time, since it was my first anime in America. That was the time, I started having a love for anime.
F… Flamingo is my favourite youtube right now! He is just so Funny. His videos sometimes brightens up my day!
G… Geography is what I am obsessed about! I won the 5th grade geo bee. That is where my passion for geography began!
H…Home country is Bangladesh! I have lived there for more than half of my life. When I arrived here I was kind of excited, but later on, disappointed. I had more fun experiences here, but in the beginning it was always so quiet here(since I am from the city, it’s always loud there)
I… I like to draw and color landscapes. Someday, I will post my landscape drawings on my blog. I think I am not that good at landscape drawing. I’m a rookie.
J…Jokes are funny, but I can never make any jokes. I am funny in my own way, I think?
K…Korma is my favourite dish. My mom makes it. It is an asian dish. It has chicken with a spicy gravy with rice.
L… Languages that I speak. I know almost 4 languages, they are English, Bangla, a little bit of German, and I understand Hindi, a bit. I learned English, Bangla, and Hindi when I was in Bangladesh. I learned Bangla, by living in Bangladesh. English, at my school in Bangladesh. Hindi through a show called Doraemon. The show is japanese but dubbed Hindi. German in middle school. Nowadays I am forgetting Hindi since i don’t speak it anymore, but I know what people are saying
M…Maps are meticulous. The detail on maps is ridiculous. It has so much info on it. Cartographers were the first people to expand the knowledge of “ unknown lands”.
N…Nani!? Nani is what in japanese and I occasionally say it. If my classmates are reading this, now you now.
O…Oranges are my favourite fruit, but occasionally Apples are my favourite fruit.
P…Pokemon games are full of adventurous journeys that all players enjoy, including me!
Q… Quizzes are laborious ways of preparing for tests.
R…Rain… is better than the scorching heat of the sun. Read my “All About Me” to know why.
S…Shiny Rayquaza is the best shiny in all of the Pokemon universe. It is a black dragon from space, that rules the sky, and eats meteors. How can a shiny be better than that.
T…Thirteen years old. I am a Thirteen year old, turning fourteen in a couple of months.
U…Ubiquitous amounts of rumours spread around school. Sometimes they get really annoying, but sometimes very juicy. I am ashamed to say that.
V…Video games are something I do on my free time and listening to music. I started playing video games when I was about 8, I think. I started listening to music when I was in 7th grade. My library has grown to about 400-500.
W… Workaholic runs in my family. Everyone in my family does a lot of work, sometimes even at home. I think this is in me too, idk probably not.
X… Xolotl the Aztec god of lightning, fire, sickness, and deformities, inspired the name of my favourite animal. The Axolotl, a salamander, that walks and swims underwater, and has regenerative abilities. How can something top that!
Y…Yeet, is my favourite word, because it is a meme. Plus it means expressing happiness, or YEETING something.
Z…Zesty limes are better than lemons, because they are sweeter and tastier. Lemons are bitter. *barfs*
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