Want to Work at the Air & Space Museum?

A representative from the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum visited the Academies on Wednesday, October 25th. Students gather around to hear what being an ‘Explainer’ entails. “The National Air & Space Museum hires high…

Pink Out!

ACL students rock their pink gear for Breast Cancer Awareness! Over $2,600 was raised for the Loudoun Breast Health Network. Photographed by Sarasi Rout & Ms. Tucker

What to Wear for Spirit Week

On Monday, wear school colors (blue, turquoise, and green). Tuesday/Wednesday is Pajama day, and Thursday/Friday is Costume Day, or you can wear orange for Unity. If you wear a costume, make sure to stop by…

ACL Balloon Launch 2023

On Wednesday, AET conducted their famous annual high-altitude balloon launch. This year, the balloon reached a maximum altitude of 55,000 ft, which is significantly lower than the average altitude of ~90,000 ft from past years. It…

Kokee Tea Fundraiser!

Join us at Kokee Tea Café for our Spirit Day Fundraiser! Wednesday (10/25) – A DAY Thursday (10/26) – B DAY 7 AM – 9 PM 20% of all sales will be donated** Check out…

Fun in the Research Library!

Veterinary Science students try to break out of an escape room designed by Research Librarian Mrs. Hiltner on the integumentary (skin) system of mammals. There’s also a Sudoku activity open in the library!

Breast Cancer Awareness!

Health Science students put up a massive informational board on Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Stop by the Health Science classroom across from the Research Library on the second floor to see it for yourself! Photographed…

AP ES Students Save the Earth!

AP Environmental Science students learned more about the nitrogen cycle in this hands-on demo! They planted Orange Sedge grass and learned about its phytoremediation properties. PS: phytoremediation uses plants to clean up the environment  …

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