Guess that SEM Image!

A student took this picture of an organism using the scanning electron microscope. Comment down below what you think it is!

Conic Sections Day @ AET!

The most fun class in AET Integrated Math is widely reputed to be Conic Sections Day. Students are first treated to a light-show representing the different conic sections, then taken outside to test their knowledge…

Barnyards and Beakers

Let me preface this by saying yes, I was the one in the river. Macroinvertebrate biodiversity—it’s a mouthful, sure, but it’s what the Loudoun Academy of Science Class of 2026 found themselves immersed in (some…

Construction Shed in the Basement

Take a walk downstairs to visit the new shed in the basement! The MATA Building Construction students have spent four days building a shed. They will sell it for about $2,000 dollars (which would go…

The Fault in Our Stars (Book Review)

Brief summary:  Hazel Grace Lancaster is a 16-year-old girl with thyroid cancer that spread to her lungs at the age of thirteen. Her parents decided she had depression because she rarely left the house, spent…

Biofuels: Worse for the Environment?

It is an established fact that our reliance on fossil fuels is destroying the planet, despite our continued usage of them. There is little that can be said in their defense, given their links to…

Cow Eye Dissection

Trigger Warning: If you are uncomfortable with images of organs and/or eyes, please skip this post 🙂 Just in time for Halloween, the AOS AP Biology students dissected a cow eye to learn about the…

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